Customer FAQ

Find out how to buy, how long delivery takes, and your rights and protections when buying from this site.

How can I pay for my items?

You can pay on the website directly or via PayPal (you don't need to be a member of PayPal to pay).

We also accept cheques and a debit or credit card over the phone. For both, you will need to telephone or email your order to us.

All our prices are in U.K. £ Sterling and include VAT at the current rate of 20%. Our VAT number is GB185282094. Please let us know if you need a VAT receipt when you place your order.

Can I trust your company with my payment?

We do not handle payments whatsoever - these are all done via PayPal and through Shopify so we don't see or store your debit or credit card details. Both PayPal and Shopify are well-established payment gateways and you can be reassured they offer a very safe way to pay for your items.

After ordering, how many days until my items arrive?

We aim for next day delivery within the UK, when possible, but please expect 1 to 3 working days. Postage to Europe should take 3-5 working days and Worldwide should take 6-7 working days.

How much is Postage?

Postage is a flat rate no matter how many items you purchase, providing the items are paid for at the same time. Prices correct as from 1st April 2023.

Postage to the UK is £1.50 using second class postage, £2.00 for first class postage or £3.50 for first class signed for. If you spend over £30, first class postage is free.

For orders over £30, parcels are sent using Tracked and/or Signed Delivery costing £11.00. For orders under £30, airmail postage is £5.00. Please note that there may be import duty to pay on your parcel and we are not liable for the fees.

Worldwide (except Europe)
For orders over £30, parcels are sent using Tracked and/or Signed Delivery costing £13.50 Worldwide. For orders under £30, airmail postage is £8.50. Please note that there may be import duty to pay on your parcel and we are not liable for the fees.

Refund Policy

Please see the Refund Policy link at the bottom of the page.